EPROMAP 20th Anniversary

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Today, January 21, the Havana Metal Productions Company, EPROMAP, celebrates its 20th anniversary.
And since its beginning, each of its workers was enthusiastic and contributed their efforts to take it to where it has reached today, a company of excellence within the construction sector, which is why we celebrate this significant anniversary with you, wishing many to come. further.
We know that each and every one of our workers feels proud to belong to this beautiful family that we have created, that works together and never stops dreaming.
Staying in this sector for so many years has been complicated, but everyone's talent and dedication has positioned us as the best and nothing will stop us.
On a day like today we also remember the great fathers of our great family, like Salvador Prats Martínez and Armando Achong Soto, whose values, quality and style taught positioned us highly in the market and made us better people with each lesson learned.
Let's celebrate our 20th anniversary with joy, striving to achieve many more years, with teamwork, creative strength and multiplying efforts.
Another year has passed and we have demonstrated together with the new management of the company that hard and honest work can take us to the best place. Thank you for your trust and for giving your best on every occasion. Thank you for being part of this great corporate family!
New challenges await us, but we are prepared for what is to come. Staying together is our emblem and our business driving force.
We are the best team, nothing and no one will stop us. Let's celebrate this new anniversary with the conviction that we will reach the business peak.
Happy Anniversary!


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