Scientific - Technical Conference of the EPROMAP Base Forum 2022

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On November 25, celebrating one more anniversary of the departure to eternity of the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro Ruz, who predicted that "the future of our country must necessarily be a future of men of science", EPROMAP celebrated the Conference of the Science and Technology Forum, with the participation of directors and specialists from different Regulation and Control Areas and a representation of the three Base Business Units.
The event was held under the premise of recognizing the impulse of our workers who creatively apply science and technological innovation in bold initiatives with innovative ideas to provide solutions to the problems that we present today.

As an opening to the meeting, the BioMundi Consultant, Lic. Aleida Olivé García, gave the conference "Need for innovation management in EPROMAP", very tempered to the central theme of the event and the current situation of the activity in the company.

The works presented covered solutions proposed by various management areas ranging from the repair, recovery and start-up of equipment, machinery and tools, as well as the design of Management Systems for computerization.

The clinical furniture brigade of the UEB de Producciones Varias presented the compendium of solutions for the recovery of clinical furniture in hospital institutions of the Capital, such as the gynecological operating table of the "América Arias" Gynecological and Obstetric Hospital and the special hospital beds of the Psychiatric Hospital of Havana, where the valuable effort made by these colleagues allowed the continuity of the work of the health personnel in these hospitals, giving a better service to patients and managing to replace imports with a high price in the international market.

They also presented the work on the recovery of merchandise transporting carts and sliding and lifting doors in TRD Caribe stores, mainly in Store 3ra and 70, rescuing means that constitute a necessary to provide a quality service to customers who go to these places on a regular basis.

From the Güamá Workshop of the UEB Carpintería, the design and adaptation of the electric industrial sander for wood carpentry using a domestic washing machine motor was presented, a solution that has had an impact on a tangible productive benefit in the three months in which the tool has been used, where approximately a total of 250m2 of wood were sanded in the door manufacturing line, saving an average of 30.80 hrs/month during the production process.

Among the works presented by the Development Department were the implementation of the EPROMAP Document Management System and Digital Archive, a tool acquired to improve the efficiency and performance of business management, by providing a simple and user-friendly service online that guarantees the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information at all times.

The work on the manufacture of a homemade extractor for cleaning carbon adhered to the muffler of the Suzuki 100 engine exhaust was also presented, created to improve the efficiency and performance of this equipment by guaranteeing a quality maintenance and repair process that results in the increase of its useful life.

As a result of the Base Forum, the work selected in the "Relevant" category was:

  • Recovery of the gynecological operating table of the "América Arias" Gynecological and Obstetric Hospital, by the collective of authors of the Clinical Furniture Brigade of the UEB of Various Productions.

As Outstanding works were chosen:

  • Design and adaptation of an electric industrial sander for wood carpentry using a domestic washing machine motor, by Niurbes Velázquez Vera from the Güamá Workshop of the UEB Carpintería.
  • Implementation of the Document Manager and Digital Archive of EPROMAP, by Eng. Dayviana Díaz Vichy from the Development Department.



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